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Secure and Intelligent Networked
Software Systems Laboratory

sins-lab Mission

Our mission is to conduct cutting-edge research and experimental development in cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, system and software architectures and engineering. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Applied Artificial;
  • Cloud Computing;
  • Computer Networks;
  • Distributed Applications;
  • Distributed Systems;
  • Fog Computing;
  • Gamification and Reputation;
  • Information Security;
  • Internet of Things;
  • Microservices Architecture and Serverless Computing;
  • Mobile Computing;
  • Security by Design and by Construction;
  • Software Engineering and Quality.

Research Clusters

Secure Networked Software Systems (SNSS)

Research cluster within the sins-lab dedicated to research areas, such as, Computer Networking, Cloud Computing, Security and Software Engineering.

Intelligent Systems (IS)

Research cluster within the sins-lab dedicated to research areas, such as, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision.

Latest News

Pedro Inácio integra equipa de Editores Sénior da IEEE Access

Pedro Inácio, docente do Departamento de Informática da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), investigador da Delegação da Covilhã do Instituto de Telecomunicações e Coordenador do sins-lab, foi convidado a integrar a equipa de Editores Seniores da revista IEEE Access.

Jantar de Natal

O sins-lab & Friends realizou o seu Jantar de Natal em 15 de dezembro, reunindo investigadores séniores, estudantes de doutoramento e mestrado numa noite animada de conversas e música.

Prémio de Inovação Pedagógica

Pedro Inácio, foi vencedor da primeira edição do Prémio de Inovação Pedagógica, uma iniciativa da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI) para promover um ensino de excelência.

Kickoff do Projeto RuraLTHINGS

O projeto RuraLTHINGS já iniciou o trabalho de investigação que pretende criar um “Sistema Inteligente para Monitorização da Saúde e Bem-Estar em Áreas Remotas com IoT”, que será aplicado em dois concelhos da região, durante a fase de teste.

Senior Researchers

Pedro Inácio

Associate Professor

Coordinator of the sins-lab and NAS-CV research group

Cyber-Security, Computer Security, Information Assurance and Security, Cryptography, Computer based Simulation

Mário Freire

Full Professor

Senior Researcher

Internet Traffic Classification, Network and Systems Security, Mobile Malware Detection, Peer-to-Peer Networks, Cloud Systems

Hugo Proença

Full Professor

Senior Researcher

Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Biometrics, Visual Surveillance

Nuno Pombo

Associate Professor

Senior Researcher

Software, Debugging and Testing, Software Engineering, Education

Bruno Silva

Assistant Professor

Coordinator of the SNSS Research Cluster

Computer Networks Internet of Things, Reputation systems, Mobile Health Computing (m-Health), Ambient Assisted Living

João Neves

Assistant Professor

Coordinator of the IS Research Cluster

Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Biometrics, Visual Surveillance

Tiago Simões

Assistant Professor

Senior Researcher

Web Applications and Services, Microservices, Cloud Computing, E-Learning, Internet of Things

sins-lab in numbers






Undergoing R&D Projects


Participation in TPCs

Contact and Headquarters

sins-lab is physically located in rooms 6.10 and 6.12 of the department of computer science @ UBI.